On the 5th of June, Yen Tzu Chang will perform WHOSE SCALPEL, the artistic outcome of the residency ”STEAM Imaging.” The STEAM-team and prominent keynote speakers Horst Hahn and Gerfried Stocker looking forward to discussing the topic complexity in medicine and arts with the guests.

Gerfried Stocker, Alexander Köhn, Yen Tzu Chang, Bianka Hofmann, Sabrina Haase Copyright: Fraunhofer IuK-Verbund
WHOSE SCALPEL addresses the future of the human-machine relationship in surgery. The installation is based on a 3D printed model of the artist’s heart fitted with lights and electronic sound generators.

Yen Tzu Chang perfroms Whose Scalpel. Copyright: Fraunhofer IuK-Verbund
The work was created by the artists as part of the residency program STEAM Imaging at Fraunhofer MEVIS in collaboration with Ars Electronica, which I designed together with the mathematician Sabrina Haase.
Read more about the aims of the residency STEAM Imaging to foster engagement with, and ownership of future technology and "The European Digital Art And Science Network" and in this interview, where I take stock.
Where and when: 5th of June, Fraunhofer-Forum Berlin, Spree-Palais, Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, Berlin, starts at 6 p.m. Information: https://www.fraunhofer.de/en/events/art-meets-science-the-art-of-complexity.html Registration: https://www.fraunhofer.de/de/veranstaltungen-messen/wissenschaft-und-kunst-im-dialog-the-art-of-complexity/anmeldung.html